ticked-based theatre posters

designing a theatre poster is a challenge: you may not have a suitable photo, the title of a theatrical performance may be too short or too long to come together in good shape.
using a ticket as a module for a poster can bring a number of advantages. the ticket already contains important information: title, author, date and time. at the same time, the ticket is rectangular, like posters, that makes it easy to use it in different ways.
tickets can be used to design a poster of one event or a repertoire of different events for a week or a month. such a system is not sensitive to the availability and quality of photos, wide or narrow media and can save time and speed up design, and qr code on the ticket can lead to the purchase page of this very event.
theaters may differ from each other in the color of the poster or ticket, the form of the ticket, the typography, the presence or absence of photos.